FCP Permitting Support

Industrial Steel Suspended Entrance Canopies for Commercial Applications

Industrial Steel Canopies

FCP Permitting Support

Acquiring a building permit from your local Building Department can present significant challenges if you don’t know what is required. FCP will work with you throughout the permitting process.

A structure’s design, plans, and engineering included in the permit submittal package must address all of the applicable codes and requirements for a particular type of structure, use, and location. In addition, the designer, engineer, fabricator, and installer of the structure must have the appropriate experience, licenses, and certifications in order to comply with these requirements.

With over 4 decades of experience in the business of supplying industrial steel canopies, FCP has gained the expertise and experience necessary to produce the most comprehensive submittal documentation in the business.

Suspended Entrance Canopies Add Property Value, Enhance Building Architecture, and Provide Shelter for People and Property Assets

By collaborating with our clients, FCP evaluates the project scope for form, function, safety, environmental impact, and building code requirements. We’ll work with your team to show you ways to reduce labor cost and provide you with a thorough project proposal.

Licensed, Bonded and Insured Contractor | CA License #847398

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Ready to get started?

We’re Here to Help! Call us at 805-684-1117

Industrial Steel Canopies, Shelters, and Gazebos – Proudly Made in USA Since 1982